We analyse your business to identify AI opportunities, providing risk-assessed solutions that align with your goals. Our AIQ framework evaluates strategy, operations, and data to ensure AI is implemented effectively, driving efficiency and growth while minimising risk
The AI Qualification Framework is a comprehensive tool used to assess businesses holistically to identify AI opportunities. Built on consultancy research and peer-reviewed by experts, it looks at everything from high level strategy to personnel, risk and cost appetite to propose qualified AI solutions.
The AI Qualification (AIQ) Framework helps businesses implement AI with clear purpose by ensuring:
A report that contains the following:
1. Executive Summary
2. Current State
3. Costed AI/tech Solutions that are compliant with business strategy
4. Leadership Requirements
5. Upskilling Requirements
6. Plan of Action and Criteria for Success
7. Risks/Issues and Mitigations/Solutions
8. Ethical and Regulatory Considerations
9. High Level Delivery Plan with RACI Matrix
10. Defining Success
11. Next Steps
We look at everything from organisational design and high level strategy to specific processes within your organisation. We find the places where you will get the best value for AI implementation based on your culture, people, risk appetite and preferred amount of investment
We've spent decades helping businesses achieve efficiencies through digital transformation, waste reduction, and process improvements. Our experience spans a range of organisations—from SMEs and non-profits to multinational conglomerates—across industries like finance, construction, rail, and governance. We’ve studied best practices for AI in business at MIT and, in recent years, have been advising on national AI implementation strategies. With this diverse background, we're well-equipped to assess your business and identify AI opportunities that drive real value.
It doesn't just look at technology, it is a comprehensive tooling system that has the capability of looking at a business as a whole. It considers change management and people strategy as well as areas for growth and outputs a detailed information package that considers ROI along with risks.
AIQual LLP is registered in England and Wales under the company number OC454166
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